Multiple Implants & Dental Bridges

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Multiple Implants & Dental Bridges

Frequently we are asked if an implant is required for every missing tooth, and this is not the case. If there are three teeth missing, we don’t necessarily need three implants. In this situation, we can often we can use fewer implants than the number of missing teeth and utilise a combined system of dental implants with a dental bridge to provide an implant bridge, for example using two implants to replace three teeth as in the image below.

This system has the huge advantage of reducing overall patient costs without compromising the treatment or final appearance.

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This is a Great Option For...

Lifelike replacements for your missing teeth.

Secure, firm restorations that are permanent.

Great functionality and the confidence to eat all foods.

Implants that can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits, providing exceptional longevity and value.

Implants that preserve jawbone density and structure, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial aesthetics.

Implants which are cost-effective compared to single implants when replacing multiple missing teeth.

Improved health, enhanced dietary intake, and options.

Restoration Using An Implant Bridge

With multiple implants and a dental bridge, several implants are inserted into the jawbone and once integrated, multiple teeth can be restored using an implant bridge, linking the implants together to look like a whole new smile.

With the same advantages as our single implant options described above, this is a great option for patients to restore functionality, aesthetics and confidence if you have a large number of missing teeth adjacent to each other or need to be extracted.